6.4. Strategy

  • EN: Strategy

  • PL: Strategia

  • Type: object

6.4.1. Pattern

  • Similar to State Pattern

  • No single states

  • Can have multiple states

  • Different behaviors are represented by strategy objects

  • Store images with compressor and filters


Figure 6.2. Strategy vs State Pattern

6.4.2. Problem


from dataclasses import dataclass

class ImageStorage:
    compressor: str
    filter: str

    def store(self, filename) -> None:
        if self.compressor == 'jpeg':
            print('Compressing using JPEG')
        elif self.compressor == 'png':
            print('Compressing using PNG')

        if self.filter == 'black&white':
            print('Applying Black&White filter')
        elif self.filter == 'high-contrast':
            print('Applying high contrast filter')

6.4.3. Solution


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Compressor(ABC):
    def compress(self, filename: str) -> None:

class JPEGCompressor(Compressor):
    def compress(self, filename: str) -> None:
        print('Compressing using JPEG')

class PNGCompressor(Compressor):
    def compress(self, filename: str) -> None:
        print('Compressing using PNG')

class Filter(ABC):
    def apply(self, filename) -> None:

class BlackAndWhiteFilter(Filter):
    def apply(self, filename) -> None:
        print('Applying Black and White filter')

class HighContrastFilter(Filter):
    def apply(self, filename) -> None:
        print('Applying high contrast filter')

class ImageStorage:
    def store(self, filename: str, compressor: Compressor, filter: Filter) -> None:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image_storage = ImageStorage()

    image_storage.store('myfile.jpg', JPEGCompressor(), BlackAndWhiteFilter())
    # Compressing using JPEG
    # Applying Black and White filter

    image_storage.store('myfile.png', PNGCompressor(), BlackAndWhiteFilter())
    # Compressing using PNG
    # Applying Black and White filter

6.4.4. Assignments